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We make books easy on the eyes. Inside and out.

We start with oldies but goodies.

We take old books that are out of copyright, and we give them a bit of a facelift. Just because a book is as old as dirt doesn't mean it can't be a great read, right?


We update the guts.

The news is in, folks. There are better ways to read than good old black text on a white page. We know that our eyes can get tired following long lines of text, and then connecting the line you were on to the next one? Forget about it. That's why we offer books with colored text, specifically text colored with gradients.

Why gradients?


Because they work. You can already get them for screen reading (see BeeLine Reader). Basically, they help your eye follow a line by drawing it along the gradient, then help you connect the line you are on to the next one, because the colors are the same. For example:

We believe that you
absolutely should
judge a book by it's
cover. And then by
it's glorious, nerdy


We send it to you

So go ahead. Put the screen down. Relax. Curl up with a blanket and a cup of coffee. And a drop dead gorgeous book.

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